Let Them Eat Chaos, Kate Tempest

We’ve been reading Kate Tempest’s poems. We have found her work and poetry especially significant to On Caring | The Project: Everything Speaks in Its Own Way, Brand New Ancients, Hold Your Own, Let Them Eat Chaos, Running Upon The Wires. She is a truly remarkable artist. See review on this page of her long poem, Let Them Eat Chaos. Please share this book and the performance piece below with your colleagues, friends, family. She has also written a very compelling work, On Connection. We’ll be featuring it in a future post. Stay tuned.

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Let Them Eat Chaos, Kate Tempest's new long poem written for live performance and heard on the album release of the same name, is both a powerful sermon and a moving play for voices. Seven neighbours inhabit the same London street, but are all unknown to each other. The clock freezes in the small hours, and, one by one, we see directly into their lives: lives that are damaged, disenfranchised, lonely, broken, addicted, and all, apparently, without hope. Then a great storm breaks over London, and brings them out into the night to face each other - and their last chance to connect. Tempest argues that our alienation from one another has bred a terrible indifference to our own fate, but she counters this with a plea to challenge the forces of greed which have conspired to divide us, and mend the broken home of our own planet while we still have time. Let Them Eat Chaos is a cri de coeur and a call to action, and, both on the page and in Tempest's electric performance, one of the most powerful poetic statements of the year.”


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