
On Caring podcasts are produced by Jeffrey Longhofer and Jerry Floersch. Podcast topics correspond to our nine modes of caring. A season will follow the calendar year (except 2020 and 2021, which will be season one): 2021, 2022, etc. We have no predetermined number of episodes in a season.

Season One | Episode One

What does work mean to us? How can we reverse the norm that assumes limited supplies of work and instead promote institutions where work is viewed and experienced as unlimited? How is the current distribution of work racist? Our first On Caring podcast (with guest Dr. Paul Gomberg) addresses these questions. We also think you will find our podcast resources helpful. There are multiple ways to access the podcast. The easiest is to click below, or download it for later. You can also access the podcast at our host: Pinecast.

Work and Ethics & Justice Modes of Caring

The podcast blog is here.
Podcast resources can be found here.

November 2020

Season One | Episode Two

In this podcast Heidi David talks about her experience of being cared for after a fall and serious injury on a New York City street. She shows us how some acts of caring are motivated by social solidarity. On this street in NYC Heidi experienced caring from strangers and caring outside the normal expectation of transaction (i.e., caring with the expectation of return or compensation). We also think you will find our podcast resources helpful. There are multiple ways to access the podcast. The easiest is to click below, or download it for later. You can also access the podcast at our host: Pinecast.

Work and Ethics & Justice Modes of Caring

The podcast blog is here.
Podcast resources can be found here.

May 2021