Vodcasts and Covid-19 Resources


Quick Look

This two minute video will give you a quick overview of On Caring | The Project, the vodcast series and resources.

 On Caring: Covid-19 Vodcast Season 1

Download Season 1 Resources.



In the introduction we describe the On Caring Project, Covid-19, and  summarize the contents of the five episodes.

Episode 1: The Coronavirus

Pandemics, History, Covid-19, The Body, and critical social work.

Episode 2: Inequalities

Thomas Piketty, Oxfam, BBC inquiry podcasts, and the frontline social worker.

Episode 3: Health Inequalities

Prisons, Mass Incarceration, and Nursing Homes, Unequal Exposure, and scaling up human services.

Episode 4: Ethics and Values

A social worker reports on her Covid-19 experience during the crisis.

Episode 5: Critical Social Work

Alternatives to the welfare state and neoliberal policies and the future of social work.


Episode 1: Health Care Inequalities

In this update we focus exclusively on how the pandemic, a natural determination, worked alongside social determinations to produce unequal exposure, illness, and death.

Episode 2: Rights & Responsibilities

A private vs. public discussion frames the exploration of masks, contact tracing, and how rights and responsibilities play a role in USA exceptionalism.

Episode 3: Kansas Meatpacking

Covid and meatpacking are like bees on honey. Meanwhile, Trump signs an executive order to keep plants open.

Covid-19 Resources

From March 2020 to December 2020 we produced monthly vodcasts and study guides to accompany the vodcasts. In January 2021 we will no longer produce the monthly vodcasts. We will continue, each week, to curate and update the resources we’ve used to deepen our knowledge of the covid-19 crisis here in the United States and around the world. It is our hope that students, teachers, and researchers will benefit from this curation and also contribute to the effort by adding to these resources. Please be in touch with us as you find gaps in our knowledge and understanding.