Ontology Diaries

Ontology is the study of what is. Is, is a powerful verb though it doesn’t describe action. Instead it refers to the state of being and the existence of things. And this IS what the ontology diaries will be about. My musings about what IS. I have no agenda but to use this space to clarify my own thinking about the relationship between the material and immaterial, physical or metaphysical. My motivation derives from metabolizing the death of my partner and building a perspective to understand absence and presence. Just because I can’t see something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. How do I feel Jeffrey’s presence all the while knowing he is absent in the flesh? The naked eye, for example, can’t see roots under a tree or plant. I can excavate and see the roots. And then from that moment on I have an image of what exists below ground. There is no excavation that will reveal Jeffrey’s presence. I can only feel it but this raises the question about what IS this feeling? Does the feeling count as real? I believe it to be. So how does the material and immaterial co-exist?


Reimagining Social Work


Time in a Bottle (Body): What is Grief and Mourning?