Authoritarianism and Relativism Replace Science
The pandemic has revealed the life-threatening dangers when relativism is the privileged philosophy of how we make sense of things.
Winner-Takes-All: Can We Care About Cooperation?
In sport and politics winners celebrate! They spill onto the streets and fields.
The Problem of Character in our Current Political Climate
What Trump attempts to do, and to a significant degree succeeds in doing, is purging thinking and deliberation from his world. This is especially evident in his attack on the thinking organs of public life…
It will go Away: Who lives Who Dies?
Wishful thinking will not make the virus go away.
Scars We Keep
How can I keep my mind open if my eyes are shut….
Who Cares? Part I
If being alive does not matter to us, securing that state for others will not matter to us either.
Against A DSM Diagnosis
Professionals admit they don’t pay much attention to the DSM….
The Project
You may be wondering. Why are we calling this On Caring | The Project?
N of 1: In Defense of the Particular
Case studies teach us: there is practice, and the practice of theorizing about practice.