N of 1: In Defense of the Particular
Case studies teach us: there is practice, and the practice of theorizing about practice.
Is Knowing Essential to Caring?
What do caring and knowing have in common?
How We Understand Theory and Practice
Theory isolated or cut off from practice is idle speculation.
Has Mindfulness Gone Too Far?
What is mindfulness? Is it the capacity of the mind to downwardly influence or cause our brains to act in certain ways?
The Speed of Care
We live in an age of acceleration.
A Caring Practice
What is the difference between a novice and expert carer?
Caring About Children
Combining art and science.
Caring Research and Practice
Is academic research relevant to practice?
Digital Social Work and Caring
It is important to realize two main characteristics of our current social realities: first, we are immersed in a climate characterized by post-truth, misinformation and fake news…