Has Mindfulness Gone Too Far?
What is mindfulness? Is it the capacity of the mind to downwardly influence or cause our brains to act in certain ways?
What Does it Mean to Be Brave?
A children’s Book
DON’T MISS: Mass Incarceration Webinar with Dr. Elizabeth Kita
Mass incarceration through a psychoanalytic lens.
Fast Food, Fast Farming: In Memory of Roxie Ray
Fast food and fast farming. Should we care about a slow food movement?
The Speed of Care
We live in an age of acceleration.
Poets Who Speak to Us
The Poet, Danusha Laméris, Small Kindnesses
Abandoning Our Elderly
We should all be outraged. But we’re not!
A Caring Practice
What is the difference between a novice and expert carer?
Caring About Children
Combining art and science.