
Politics & Government

The Commons. Relational Goods. What role should government play in providing for the collective or common good or for our human flourishing (e.g., see the On Caring Library, Nussbaum and Levine). We have turned to the work of Pierpaolo Donati to help us think about relational goods.  How do we use government to promote caring practices and relational goods? What values do  governments embrace?  What forms of government will value all modes of caring? Governments, in all forms, starting with the local, must align with a politics of caring to support the planet and caring communitiesSee our blog post on caring practices.

Why do people hate government (see Glynos for interesting essay on this question, and also David Levine)? Surveys show that people mistrust governments, political leaders, and public policy (see Pew Charitable Trust Report). We live during an era of anti-government social movements, on the right and the left. Is it possible, as Donald Warren argued in his study of George Wallace and the 1968 elections, that the center has now become radical; and that the center has drifted steadily rightward since the 1960s.  And in the absence of a genuine left social movement we are now facing a more dramatic rightward shift around the globe (i.e., authoritarian governments in power in Brazil, Hungary, Poland, the United States and many other places).

Covid-19 has found the faultlines in our political systems.  It certainly has in the United States. Our government is unable to protect us, unable to mobilize public opinion and support, and unable to collectively mobilize the resources in the interest of public health.  See our blog post on abandoning the elderly.

Many, perhaps with good reason, convey an apocalyptic view of Covid-19 and politics. For the Korean-German philosopher, Byung-Chul Han, "...we are heading for a biopolitical surveillance regime. Not only in our communication, but also our bodies: our health will be subject to digital surveillance. According to Canadian author Naomi Klein, the crisis is a moment that heralds a new system of rules. The pandemic shock will ensure that a digital biopolitics takes hold globally that, with its control and monitoring system, seizes control of our bodies in a biopolitical disciplinary society that also constantly monitors our state of health. Faced with the shock of the pandemic, the West will be forced to give up its liberal principles. Then the West faces a biopolitical quarantine society that permanently restricts our freedom."

A caring society must build strong defenses against these apocalyptic possibilities.

On the Blog - Modes of Caring - Politics and Government



Caring About The World

In December 2020 we will begin curating articles, short stories, poems, and images from around the world. Please help us by making recommendations for posts so we can engage in deeper conversations about global politics, inequality, racism, and the many things that should trouble us. Each month you will find here a focus on a region, nation, political movement, environmental justice, social activism, resistance journalism and other topics as they emerge. It is our hope that we’ll soon have regular blog contributors who help us curate this page. Next month we’ll be focusing on the political economy of covid-19 in India.


This month, December 2020, we begin curating articles of interest on China. Below you will find a very important and interesting special issue from Monthly Review. You can read the review at the link below, without cost. Please consider making a donation to MR. The second is an article from Lausan, a Hong Kong press. They also accept donations to support their very important work.

READ MR Special Issue on China


From Hong Kong: Lausan

READ Lausan article, Who are the Chinese ‘left’ nationalists?:This Chinese intellectual clique has demonstrated a strong interest in the work of Nazi thinkers, By Brian Hioeon December 13, 2020.
